DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Do you think there is a real future for cashierless stores in the convenience store channel? Will 7-Eleven’s commitment to digital technologies be a point of competitive difference for the banner going forward?
Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust :
Mr. DePinto’s decision to tackle this is a good idea and especially, as other BrainTrust members have pointed out, sooner than other retailers. Hopefully they went to school on what worked and didn’t work at Amazon Go so they avoid mistakes and improve the experience. I worry that the human contact that most of us expect when walking into a store will be missed, especially in rural and suburban areas where it may be one of the few places to have interaction with neighbors. So in other words, it’s a little spooky!
Read the entire article from RetailWire:
7-Eleven tries out an Amazon Go-like store