DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Do you think retail leaders today are more willing to practice their personal values than those in the past? What do you see as the most significant contributions that Tony Hsieh made to Zappos and the wider world of retail business management?
Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust :
The challenges faced by retail leaders today are never ending and can be overwhelming. That is why it would behoove retail leaders to practice many of the guiding principles Tony put in place at Zappos, and tailor them to their own organizations.
It is challenging to keep up with the huge changes our industry is currently undergoing. To be able to meet the internal focused ones on top of the huge external ones, especially now during COVID-19, is a tall order that is more effectively executed with an attitude and outlook like the one that Tony had. RIP Tony Hsieh.
Read the entire article from RetailWire: