Are there more pros than cons in expanding open-container drinking at shopping centers? If successful, should access be expanded to enclosed malls and other retail channels with some restrictions?
Interactive Edge’s CEO, Zel Bianco comments, featured on RetailWire’s Braintrust :

Well clearly it will help loosen up shoppers and should help retailers ring up more sales but it is a slippery slope. It is true that drinking is allowed in other “family friendly” areas like amusement parks and sports arenas, but it is also true that some folks tend to get out of hand and need to be controlled so time will tell. Northern Virginia is a very family oriented area with many wineries, breweries and distilleries that families go to so why not try it at shopping areas? Are there more pros than cons? I think with the current state of retail, it is certainly worth a shot, no pun intended.
Read the entire article from RetailWire: